Thursday, March 26, 2009


They wanted to create so many changes
They can't fight for them all by themselves
They are very weak in front of this strong wind
So they want me to be their mouthpiece
As if I can effect changes overnight,
When they start to see support, when they can see I can carry their cause
They want me to carry the load and make changes right away
I am very new..
Although I feel their enormous respect
I cannot make changes that fast.. it will take time
It has been a long years of neglect
Then they expect an exodus in a day
I am not a superhero
I only have good intentions.

Whenever I see this strong wind
What comes to my mind is this:
You cannot teach old dogs new tricks..they will bite you

They are so proud with their very long years of experience
They would not admit it, but they are used of having the power
The person who would always have the last say....

A new person or any person can't take that away from them
It would take a revolution
But in this situation , I just wish for miracles
At least in that way, they could have the self respect intact..
I respect them for the many years they served the organization

However, I believe that good leaders are not only capable to provide directions
But must also be capable to MOTIVATE

My co workers-people with disabilities must be very confused.
While they define empowerment of people with disabilities to be those PWD
capable of finding work in the mainstream
Here I am working with them...
I still think that line of thinking is still not empowerment.. it is still a sign of low self esteem
Why? Is working with people with disabilities a very low job?
Empowerment starts here..believing in each other

Well no one knows where I am coming from..
What I wanted really is respect
And for me empowerment... is getting out in a situation if you are no longer happy
And finding that place where you would feel belongingness and fulfillment...
One should not be afraid to get out from something..and look for a change

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